MMCC has launched a capital campaign to fund this COMMUNITY TRANSFORMING PROJECT with a goal of raising $200,000!

Fundraising Update
MMCC launched a capital campaign to fund mountain bike trail development at Quarry Park with a goal of raising $200,000. Thanks to our amazing community we have raised $124K towards this goal!
This month, MMCC and Stearns County are working on a Minnesota Legacy Fund grant to fast-forward this project - and matching funds from MMCC is an important part of the proposal. There are a few key check-ins and deadlines associated with finalizing donations for this grant submittal: June 12, July 8, July 31. The amount that MMCC secures before each of these dates will shape the scope of the grant proposal - so please don't delay and donate today!
MMCC will continue to work towards our goal of $200K throughout 2024 so that we can get this project on the ground!